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Common Business Pitfalls Startups Should Not Worry About
14 May, 2021

Common Business Pitfalls Startups Should Not Worry About

Because one can properly map out strategies to prevent or mitigate them before they do any real damage. The ones we never see coming are the most dangerous business pitfalls.

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B2B Marketing: Four Marketing Strategies  For Startups

B2B Marketing: Four Marketing Strategies For Startups

The competition in B2B has robbed most non-venture-backed startups of their relevance. Don't get trampled upon by B2B giants. Here are startup marketing strategies and tactics to kick start your marketing campaign.

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The price we pay for creativity in the workplace

The price we pay for creativity in the workplace

Creative thinking can't be turned on or off at the flick of a switch, and innovation doesn't occur in a vacuum. Although it comes naturally, we didn't ask for it. There is a price tag we must pay.

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Here is how to get your freelancing Mojo back and wield it

Here is how to get your freelancing Mojo back and wield it

The freelancer’s dilemma, we have been there, sweaty-palmed and out of breath, staring down the horizon of an uncertain tomorrow. Can “Mojo” give us some magic to prepare for tomorrow?

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How to manage freelance teams way cooler than managers in FAANG and Big N Companies

How to manage freelance teams way cooler than managers in FAANG and Big N Companies

Ever witness how clarity of roles and responsibilities, processes, and team culture can inspire an increased dedication to your project? Have you ever achieve your project’s goals with a good overall experience for everyone involved?

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Types of video content that accelerated engagement during the pandemic

Types of video content that accelerated engagement during the pandemic

Now that video content is soaring, here are the types of videos currently trending, especially during the pandemic, and how brands can improve their marketing strategies to fit.

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What productivity means to an employee who freelances

What productivity means to an employee who freelances

As an employee who freelances, sometimes my workday spiral out of control. Here is how I make productivity my friend to help me not to become distracted, focus on low-priority tasks, and procrastinate.

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