Hourspent VS Freelance Marketplace
Organized access to the top 2% of freelance talent
You could run your hiring process and work to chaos. Or you could have control of both in Hourspent.
Hire the top 2% of freelance talents
without reviewing endless proposals
Unlike Hourspent, finding the right freelance talent in freelance marketplaces requires sifting through many freelancers' bids, profiles, services for a single project. Hourspent automatically detects and infers various kinds of data, such as talent background, hourly price, experience, location, and personality harnessed over a while to match the right freelance talent to your public project.

Your hiring process

Real-time conversations with any talent
Save time
Spend less time switching context

Hire Smart
Perform quick actions without leaving conversations
See 'em
Drop into any stream and see what’s happening.
Unlike freelance marketplaces
Hourspent helps teams integrate better with freelance talents by highlighting processes and other company-specific ways of doing things.
Get StartedOne platform
Hire and Collaborate
Give Projects Dedicated Streams
Not Pages
In Hourspent, everyone in a stream sees the same messages, so your team knows who’s responsible for what and how to move work forward. Messaging in a freelance platform is similar to Emails with several pages to go through to get what you need.
Schedule. Track. Work Done.
Keep an eye on your work progress and workload. Use Hourspent to have all your freelance hiring needs met. Capture all of your documents, notes, and next steps in one central place. Easily locate bottlenecks and ensure deadline are kept.

See how Hourspent stacks on one-on-one against the competition
Hourspent vs. Toptal
You'll know about all the actions of the members.

Hourspent vs. Upwork
Ensure that your projects stay neatly organized

Hourspent vs. Slack
Highlight the day's most important tasks.