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Getting started

Everything you need to know to get started and get to work in Hourspent.

Getting started for workspace owners

Hourspent Workspace is one place to manage projects, talents or contractors, clients, and teams.

All Hourspent members have a Workspace by default. Therefore, you do not need to create or set up your Workspace. Everything has already been set up for your projects, teams, talents, and clients. This guide contains information about the features of your new Workspace.

Learn more about Hourspent.

Default Features on Workspace


    Under "Spaces", we have Marketplace, Others, Invitation, and Invoice space.


     The Marketplace on Workspace contains list of all projects you posted to the Hourspent Marketplace for talents to apply. These projects are organized in sections explained below;



    Accepting proposals

    This contains a list of all your projects currently open for proposals. Here, you can see every freelancer, contractor, or talent that submitted a proposal.

    Work in progress

    When you hire a freelancer for a particular project, the project and the freelancer hired are moved to the “work in progress” section where you can assign and manage tasks.


    When the hired freelancer delivers as expected and you marked the project as complete, it is moved to the “Completed” section on your Hourspent Workspace. 

    DeclinedLow-quality projects and projects that lack clarity are not allowed on the Hourspent Marketplace. When declined, they’re moved to the declined section. A list of all your declined projects can be found here. However, you can edit your declined projects and resubmit it for approval.
    ArchivedYou can archive your less important projects or projects no longer needed. All archived projects are moved to the archive section.
    PendingThis contains a list of all your projects that have not been approved to be published on the Hourspent Marketplace.


    Your Others space contains streams not connected to the Hourspent Marketplace or any of your teams. 

    Tasks and projects in each stream are organized in sections explained below;




    This contains a list of all streams with active projects. Each stream has its own "Space" where everyone involved can work together remotely.


    This contains a list of all streams with completed projects. When a talent raises an invoice and you approve the invoice, you'll be presented with an option to mark the project as complete. Once done, it'll move the stream to the completed section.


    When a stream or tasks in a stream are abandoned or suspended, you may choose to archive the stream instead of deleting it. All archived streams on the Others space appear here. Once archived, all conversations and tasks cannot be altered or modified. However, you can unarchive at any time.

    Note that streams in the Active, Completed, and Archived sections are displayed in the "All" section.


    The invitation area contains both sent and received invitations either to join a team, project, or stream. It is organized into three sections; Approved, Declined, and Pending.


    The invoice area contains all the invoices you raised, received, approved, and declined. It also contains the invoices you've raised but have not been declined or approved and the invoices you received but you've not declined or approved it..


      Under the “My Team” area on your Workspace, you’ll see a list of all the teams you’ve created. Each team has prebuilt tools to collaborate and manage each team and work. Learn how to create a team, invite your team, and much 

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