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Supporting team's productivity and growth since 2008

I enjoy taking up organizational and management tasks that support the productivity and growth of the entire organization and its departments or teams. Over the last 16 years, I've taken up many responsibilities such as:

Planning strategies for streamlining and improving business operations.

Reorganizing or hiring staff to expand operations in collaboration with human resources teams.

Handling business finances and planning the budget with the help of finance and accounting leaders and team members.

Overseeing marketing and promotions for a company’s products and services, collaborating with marketing, advertising, and public relations teams.

Negotiating vendor contracts to identify cost-saving opportunities etc.

I have a variety of soft skills and industry knowledge. These skills and qualifications can include:

Excellent communication skills, including writing, public speaking, and interpersonal communication.

Great analytical, critical thinking, and problem-solving abilities

Strong time management and organizational skills.

Good goal-setting, strategic planning, and motivation skills

Ability to work in fast-paced environments.

Experience with a variety of personalities and backgrounds in the workplace.

Superior presentation and negotiation skills

Knowledge of best finance and operations practices for their industry.


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