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Ex Facebook Software Engineer

I started working as a software engineer contractor after I resigned from Facebook.

My clients range from well-funded startups to established enterprises – all hungry for a fresh perspective, technical innovation, and rapid execution.

For over 12 years, I've been obsessed with custom software design and development that is intuitive, streamlined, and a joy to use. Some call it elegant. I design and build with thoughtfulness, a singular purpose, and a fundamental focus on the human element. The user experience is ultimately what counts for me. How humans interact with a piece of software determines whether that product is going to be a success or failure. Making it a success is what gets me up in the morning and keeps me going, taking head on the daily challenge of solving complex custom software design problems. Tackling and successfully overcoming thorny user experience issues. Challenging my clients to rethink the customer experience. And delivering custom software solutions that go far beyond providing prototypes – solutions designed to easily scale to meet demands without costly delays and revisions.

Custom software development that’s done fast and cheap is never done right. Whatever money might be initially saved rolling out an application in record time is quickly lost in time-consuming, expensive reworks.

I believe in doing the job right the first time. That's why I dig a little deeper, ask more questions, and work better to ensure my clients are getting the best possible product for their customers — One designed to build brand value and scale up without expensive reworks.


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